Little Secrets about how I love fitness

I don't! 
There. I said it. I don't love fitness!

I struggle to workout some days. It's hard. BUT, I know how amazing it is for my mental health, and my body! I need it. But, that doesn't mean I love it! LOL

One of the ways I like to keep things interesting and fun, is to switch it up! I try to do this often! I have what you could easily call workout A.D.D. I jump around programs/workouts a lot. Unless I'm 100% committed to a program, I like to try out new things!

Well, today there was an amazing sneak peek on my BOD streaming workout service of the new Core de Force workout being released next month! Something you may not know about me... I used to totally be into martial arts. I even tested for my brown belt when I was 6 months pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter. I could even still kick above my belt! Well, I tried out this new workout today... and I can say it was SUPER fun! Try to mix up your workouts and keep things fresh and fun. That is the way to not get bored.

 Note: Don't mind my crazy hair and mismatch clothes.... this is why I workout at home. I'd be the "crazy lady" going to the gym like this!