All Access can be yours!!!


Have you heard the news?!?!?!

Seriously, this is the best thing to happen in the fitness industry since like FOREVER!!!

This is not just an crazy good deal..... but it's a SOLUTION for the year, not just a new years Resolution!! I'm serious about getting you results in 2017! Let's throw the resolutions out the window and create a health & fitness revolution - TOGETHER!

When I got started on my journey, I paid $215 and only got ONE WORKOUT program! I got amazing results, and it launched my amazing fulfilling coaching business, but I got ONE!!! It was Turbofire! We are now offering a LIMITED EDITION 💥 ALL ACCESS Beachbody on Demand Challenge pack.


All Programs! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. 

This is like "Beachbody PRIME"- for your fitness!! 

So what does this actually include? (I know you are wondering)

⇒ UNLIMITED 24/7 Access to ALL programs Beachbody has ever produced for a year! ($6000 value)

⇒ Access to ALL not-yet-released workout programs coming in 2017 (Yes, you get all the new stuff! OMGosh!!)

⇒ Autumn's Cooking show, Fixate (This is available in your online streaming service, it gives you amazing recipes to stay on track!)

⇒ Printable workout calendars, guidebooks, food trackers and more! 

Portion Fix Program (Includes containers, eating guide, large blue container, shaker cup) ($40 Value)

⇒ 30-day Supply of Shakeology ($130 Value)

⇒ 10% Savings all ALL future orders for the entire year of ALL access membership

⇒  Lifetime of support and personal coaching & mentorship from me!!

⇒  Free Accountability/Support group access

Not just a 21 day .....
Not just a 30 day .....
Not just a 90 day ....
365 LIFER! 

❌ No Monthly access fees
❌ No Cancellation fees
❌ No wandering around a gym wondering what to do or what machine to use
❌ No feeling like a fish out of water in a new class
❌ No unused gym membership
❌ No feeling like you are doing this alone
✅  Simple fitness
✅  In your own home
✅  Do-able
✅  Support

This is like the BIGGEST THING EVER TO HAPPEN with home workouts! ðŸ’ª

You could do one program.... take a break.... do another one. Or if you have workout ADD like me, just randomly pick one to do every day for a week to figure out what you love! Try a dance program, then a weightlifting one, then a martial arts style one! Seriously, You'll never get bored! This means that you'll be able to keep on exercising through the year and actually reach your goals! 

I guess I'm a Bad mom

Bad Mom's.

If you don't know about this movie, find the trailer. The movie is a little raunchy at points, but it is so stellar on hitting the points that most of us mom's feel on a regular basis. That feeling of not measuring up to the seemingly perfect moms. Let me tell you friends..... it's all about perspective.

I've recently come across many posts on facebook discussing this topic. The mom posting is usually saying something along the lines of ".... those perfect moms, volunteering, perfect house, perfect kids, kids in every sport/music/activity, homeschooling, church volunteering, cookie baking..... etc, etc, etc... .and I just don't measure up/I'm not doing good enough/I suck"

We put so much pressure on ourselves as mom's. But seriously...... WHY?!?!?! What is important in motherhood? In our house it's raising good kids, that love Jesus, that are kind, self sufficient, driven, with a love of learning. Who cares if the dishes always needed done right?

Just in case you are feeling like you don't measure up, Let me tell you a little about my #momlife
Maybe you can relate.....

A homeschool day, me in PJ's.....
I love Jesus, but I cuss a little. My family is always fed, but sometimes it's PB & J for dinner. I put liquor in my coffee some mornings. Due to all of the meals I must feed the minions, my kitchen is always a revolving mess of dishes and crazy chaos. My dirty laundry pile is never ending. While I make my kids put their clothes away, personally my clean clothes usually stay in a basket in my room, until they become dirty and I move them to the dirty one. I have to remember how long it's been since I showered some days, if I have to think and can't remember, it must mean I need to shower. 🙈  Dry shampoo is my best friend. Some days, I wear pajamas all day. If I do get dressed, it's normally yoga pants or leggings. I have a note on my bathroom mirror "Brush your teeth" ... It's for me. I am a work from home mom. I homeschool my two kids, 5th grade & 2nd grade. We are a part of a CC Community (that is Classical Conversations). We meet one day a week, community day. I am almost always just almost late, running in late like a tornado. Some days we totally slay our school day at home, other days we do not. Some days my kids eat fruit, sliced veggies, granola bars, and a buffalo beef stick.... I call it "lunch".  I let my kids do crazy things like use the couch like a jungle gym. I miss things, because I simply don't remember them if they aren't on my iCal with about 5 reminders set. I hit my snooze button every morning at least 2 times, normally it's more like 5. I've given my kids cake for dinner, and ice cream for breakfast on more than one occasion.

Should I continue?

As you can see, I'm just a Mom/Wife trying to do my best. We don't all have our shiz together, some of us are barely hanging on. We are just crazy hot chaotic messes, doing our best.  Sometimes from the outside, it looks good..... Most of the time though, it looks crazy. Thank goodness for God's grace, right?  What's important is that my kids know they are loved, unconditionally.  They love Jesus. They are kind, giving, compassionate kids. They are really good kids. They love to help others. They love to learn. I must be doing an OK job.  So what if we are struggling. I guarantee those moms that look like they have it all together have their own issues going on behind closed doors. Everyone does.

My encouragement to you is to stay the course, do your best, pray lots...... and when all else fails, say "forget it" grab some wine/chocolate/both, leave it all a mess, and go snuggle your babies.  Time is fleeting. You only get 940 Saturday's in by the time your child is 18. 260 of those have passed already when they turn 5. (This is a great little read on that topic) I only have 356 more Saturday's with my 11 year old, and 521 with my 8 year old. That is not many! Why waste your precious time with them, worrying about measuring up to supermom down the road? I promise, to your kid.... you ARE supermom.  <----- THAT MATTERS.

Our family, in real life. Making memories, we slept in that barn behind us on our move across the country.

Tamales in 20 Minutes ..... from scratch!


When I think about tamales, I think about huge full kitchen, full of assembly line women working together to make hundreds of tamales.

It takes HOURS and hours! Sure you get to take home some amazing tamales, but it takes so long!

Well..... Not anymore!!!

I had seen somewhere like the day after I got my Instant pot..... that you could make tamales! Say what?!?! I didn't need 200, I only have a family of 4 and didn't want to store any. I just wanted a few for dinner! So, I had to try this out! The recipes I found were all so difficult, and I'm a simple girl! SO... this is what I did.

I got my organic masa  out (I always buy my corn products organic, they are one of the heaviest pesticide/herbicide sprayed crops! yuck!) and sort of followed the instructions on the back of the bag to make my dough. Yes, I said "sort of" - I don't like following rules. So it called for vegetable broth, I used organic beef broth ..... I did a heavier hand on the spices, and I think I used sunflower oil. Don't judge, it's what I had.

Next, I took my favorite homemade dry enchilada mix, and took some leftover turkey and a can of my home canned tomatoes and simmered it all up together on the stove. This was going to be perfect! My son hates all poultry, so I opened a can of pinto beans for him.  Then I got to rolling my tamales. Now... keep in mind, this is for my family (no guest), and I'm not trying to sell them. They didn't have to be pretty! So, I cut out parchment paper rectangles to wrap them in..... I have yet to find organic husks, so I'm limited here. I laid out my dough, topped with the meat mixture, chopped olives and onions, then rolled them up! The son's did not have onions or olives, just plain beans (he's so boring in his food choices).

I seriously just rolled the long sides, then the bottom up. Left the top open, and put them on the rack, with 1 cup of water in the bottom. See how I stacked them here ... .

See... not super pretty.... but functional! ☺ I cooked the on manual + high pressure for 25 minutes. Once done, I did quick release pressure! They were AMAZINGLY tasty! We topped them with some salsa verde, the husband put some cheese on top of his (the rest of us are dairy free, so that is why it wasn't IN them).  SERIOUSLY, this is going in our recipe rotation. These were simple! We actually made them a couple nights after this first adventure using some leftover shredded beef. It is a great way to use up any leftover meats you may have, and make it into another meal! 

I broke them a little unwrapping them, I'm not the most patient person

Let me know if you try this method out, what you used, and what you think! I found these SOOO easy to make, and SO yummy to eat! SO much room to make these so many ways! 



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This pot is changing my life!

Have you heard about this amazing magic thing?

The Instant Pot?!?

This thing is Changing my life!

I only got it like 3 days ago, and I've seriously cooked SO MUCH in it already! Today's magical concoction was a super hit!

You know how we've all heard how much better for you steel cut oats are.... yadda yadda...
But those things take SOOO long to cook! Even with the quick cooking ones I have it takes over 10 minutes of "simmering"! Also, say goodbye to those amazing little things called "Overnight Oats" if you switch from old fashioned rolled oats to steel cut! Those things are amazing you all, seriously everyone picks their own and they are DONE overnight! Since we chose to forgo buying a microwave in our new house, those too have gone out the window because of the whole heating up part, but that isn't the point..... back to the pot. This thing makes the magic of "make your own oats" possible again, with the healthy steel cut version, and its fast and so good you all!

I came across this amazing blog post on Tidbits that lays out how to do this! My mind was blown! I just had to try it! I may very well blow my whole house up putting jars in the cooker, but I like to live dangerously.... I had to do it! (I also didn't do the "water test" you are supposed to do when you first get it, I have no idea where everyone even saw this info!)

I did make a few changes to the original recipe (find recipe here)

We all wanted to try the Carrot Cake oats! So we put in the oats, chia, and spices (we upped these a tad, as we love spices). I used chopped carrots instead of shredded (I love my food chopper, way faster then shredding), and we used coconut sugar (1 Tblsp per jar? I don't measure much) in place of the sweetener the recipe calls for! We actually did everything the night before, minus adding the water. Added all dry ingredients to the jars, and put the lids on til morning. We stored the chopped carrots ready to add covered in the fridge. My Instant Pot does not have a "delay" feature that I know of (maybe I should read my book), so I just finished them and put them in to cook in the morning with the carrots and water! 

Since I used my Bob's Red Mill Organic quick cooking steel cut oats, I did decrease my cook time to only 14 minutes vs the 20 called for in the original recipe. Once done, I quick released pressure then opened it up! I used my canning jar tongs to carefully lift them out and put them on a cooling rack. Let them sit there for a short bit to cool.

We opened the lids, stirred, and enjoyed! You guys, seriously these are OUT of this world good! SUPER easy for everyone to pick their own add ins, and then cook them all up! I actually think  I like the texture better cooking this way too! This is a SUPER win recipe for our family!  I hope you enjoy this great recipe as much as we did!

I created a neat little community on facebook to share clean eating Instant Pot recipes! Want to join us?  

Let me know what you love making in your pot!


* This post contains affiliate links. Thank you!

Little Secrets about how I love fitness

I don't! 
There. I said it. I don't love fitness!

I struggle to workout some days. It's hard. BUT, I know how amazing it is for my mental health, and my body! I need it. But, that doesn't mean I love it! LOL

One of the ways I like to keep things interesting and fun, is to switch it up! I try to do this often! I have what you could easily call workout A.D.D. I jump around programs/workouts a lot. Unless I'm 100% committed to a program, I like to try out new things!

Well, today there was an amazing sneak peek on my BOD streaming workout service of the new Core de Force workout being released next month! Something you may not know about me... I used to totally be into martial arts. I even tested for my brown belt when I was 6 months pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter. I could even still kick above my belt! Well, I tried out this new workout today... and I can say it was SUPER fun! Try to mix up your workouts and keep things fresh and fun. That is the way to not get bored.

 Note: Don't mind my crazy hair and mismatch clothes.... this is why I workout at home. I'd be the "crazy lady" going to the gym like this!