
K.I.S.S. = Keep it simple stupid

Sure, I get it. Stupid isn't a nice word. But, it gets the point across right? I use this acronym a lot. There are SO many things in life that I think we as humans really try to over-complicate.

We over analyze.
We over research.
We think the crap out of everything.

It makes things more difficult I think. Back when things were simple, and there wasn't as many choices .... life just seemed easier am I right? Well, today I bring you the issue of "What to make for lunch after church on Sunday" - Yes, it's an issue.

If I don't have things ready, my kids can't fend for themselves. I must have staples like bread, and peanut butter. These kids expect so much from me! (joking). This works well, if we remembered to make sandwich bread! #realmomlife  This brings us to this past Sunday....after church. NOTHING to eat. No bread was made. The kids had NO idea what to make themselves! What is a tired, and busy mom to do? I mean we already lost an hour of sleep, momma just wanted a nap! (Thanks daylight savings)

Enter my "mom's busy and didn't plan a lunch meal" - Salad! But not just any salad, this is the super amazing, full of flavor, tasty salad that my kids love, and it requires no bread! Crab salad!! YES! That is the answer! I highly suggest you keep staples to make a version of this in your own house at all times! :) I'm sharing my recipe with you so you too can keep this in your back pocket, for just those moments. You may even LOOK like you have it together! ;)

First, you start with some chopped up celery. I prefer to have mine diced.

Throw them in the bowl. 
Up Next, The Crab. You could used canned if that is what you have on hand. However, I prefer the Big huge chunks of the imitation crab meat from Aldi. You can see in my picture how huge these chunks are. Next, add about 1/2 C Avocado Oil Mayo.

Up Next is really the secret Sauce! The seasonings! I add by sight, and don't really measure, so these can totally be adjusted to your own taste & liking! I do about 1/2 Tsp of Each Old Bay Seasoning and Dill. If you have fresh dill, use that! The flavor will really pop. If not, Dried is great! 

Mix it all up really well. From here you can stick in fridge to chill, or you can eat it! We've been known to throw it on Crackers, Breads, Chilled cooked pasta..... Really, the possibilities are endless! :) 

I hope you enjoy this easy simple recipe! Let me know if you try it in the comments! 



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