AMAZING Gluten Free Cake!

As many of you may or may not know, I eat gluten free. So, as you can imagine, finding recipes for the holidays that taste good, can be tricky!

We have a yearly tradition of making a birthday cake for Jesus on his birthday. This year, I wanted to make a yummy one that we ALL could enjoy. So, I set out to find the perfect recipe!

Low and behold I found them -
GF Chocolate cake
Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting

I recently started using GF flours for baking and other things, so I am no expert yet. Prior to this, I just didn't eat anything Bread/cake/dough like. Let me tell you - This cake turned out SO AMAZING, fluffy, and yummy!!! Seriously it was AMAZING!!!  Go ahead, try it out - then let me know what you think!

**** Disclaimer: I do not suggest making things such as this cake regularly, however I do support making things on occasion (1-2 times a year) to enjoy in moderation. When you are a healthy/clean eater, enjoying a treat every now and again is perfectly fine!

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