Motivation: The Desire To Do Things


Motivation is literally the desire to do things. I can honestly tell you, when I started with my journey in health & fitness, I did NOT have the desire to do it. I thought it would be nice if I did it, but I didn't REALLY want to put forth the effort. That is why I started and stopped SO many times before seeing results. (See my whole story HERE)

I had to come to the point of WANTING to do it For me. When I decided that I WAS worth it, and that I believed in myself - THAT is when I did it!!

Was it easy?? NO WAY! There were days that I can remember being almost in tears because I wanted oreo's or chocolate hostess cupcakes (yes, I ate that icky stuff)!! I am an emotional eater - of junk-food! Usually, something sugary. So breaking that habit was HARD, Shakeology helped with my cravings, and getting my "chocolate fix" in - but some days it was still hard. The important thing . . I didn't give up!

This complete process until now (the upper Right Corner photo) took 15 months. I still struggle with emotional or bored eating. However, I now know that I have control over what I eat, and I make wiser choices. One of the best things I did was deciding to take control of my health and fitness. The choices are all easier now, and yes - I still eat cake (in moderation, on occasion). 

If you are struggling with getting started on your health & Fitness Journey, or you are afraid of failing - Don't be. We learn from past experiences/mistakes. Knowing what didn't work last time, helps us to not repeat it again.  

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