Fitness Friday Move of the week - Try it yourself!!


They are SUCH a Sexy muscle to show off .... ESPECIALLY with summer and short sleeves and tank tops coming!!

What's a Tricep? 

Aside from Triceps, most exercises that work this muscle - also use many others in the shoulders, chest, back, and arms! So it's like a Super Whammy of a workout! ;)

So, I challenge you to do 3 sets of 10 every other day for the next week! If that is too much, or too little adjust for your fitness level! 

The move you will be doing? 

Tricep Dips  

Be sure that you follow these guidelines 

* Place hands on each side of your hips - facing forward

* Keep your legs bent like I show in the video for beginners - when that gets too easy, simply move your feet farther out, keeping them slightly bent, and keep your form - Need even harder? Simply fully extend your legs out in front! 

* Lower your body down

* Keep arms parallel with the ground

* Squeeze your triceps at the top

* Keep your core tight

* Bend at the elbows when dipping down

Here is me, showing you how I do mine! 

The material provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field!

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