Shift Shop Results

Round 1 is in the books!

Did you know I workout? Yep, its true! LOL  About 6 years ago, a little program I did at home changed my life. I went from a size 14 down to an 8 in 90 days. SAY WHAT? Yes, it's true. Watch my story HERE

My most recent program, is Shift Shop! Our newest launched program!
I lost 8.8lbs, and almost 3% body fat!  I feel stronger, more fierce. Oh, and let's not forget that my clothes fit better!  Round one started with a week of 25 min workouts, then week 2 was 35 minute workouts, and week 3 was 45 minute workouts! Each week alternated between speed (cardio) and strength (weights), with abs added in!

This workout kicked my booty! In a good way! I did modify many moves, because of my torn rotator cuff. But, I still got insane results. So don't think that modifying doesn't get you results! Try it regular first, if you can't do it with good from, then modify!

The best part, is I didn't do anything you can't do! I followed the meal plan that was fully laid out for me! It included every meal, and exactly what to eat! That is what I did! EASY Peasy! 


Do you want in on my next group? We are starting Aug 27th, and I would love for you to get some amazing results with this program! I will even pay your entry, because I believe in you! 

Comment below, or email me to get in, and get your own results! 

I hope this inspires you to try the new Shift Shop workout! Don't miss out on the Challenge pack - CLICK HERE with shakeology, and containers at a discount! Enjoy! ðŸ™‚  Remember - only 16% of people who do Beachbody programs without a coach and support actually FINISH them. SO make sure you email me to get involved in my free coaching/wellness/lifestyle Group! I want you to finish!