Clean Eating Guru

WOW! Today is a great day!! Not ONLY is it my Birthday. . . . But The launch of a great project I've been working on!!! I am always asked about FOOD.

Food seems to be the most confusing thing to most people - if it is labeled "healthy" then most think it is. Using of words like "natural" "healthy" "reduced" among others leads people to believe the deception that they ARE in fact healthy!

So, I have been putting together this program JUST for you, All of my followers! Get signed up today.

You will learn SO much about food, and what to eat/choose!! Be sure to share with your friends to get signed up as well.  Just to get you started on learning, here is a cute little Grocery Star Wars Video I found - 

Thank you friends for making the first steps to get on the path to Clean Eating!!

Introducing the newest program - PiYo!!

Get an ultra lean and intensely defined physique 

without bulking up or straining your joints.

Introducing Piyo. A high intensity, low impact workout for a new kind of strong. 

Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you're burning crazy calories.

How? You'll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results!!

The result? Problem areas become no problem!

Want to get on the list for when this is available? If so CLICK HERE.

Mondays are for MUFFINS!!!

Muffins ..... are just ugly cupcakes, Right!??!!? WRONG!! Muffins are AMAZING! The things you can put into muffins are mind blowing, like seriously! I don't know how many vegetables I've hidden into muffins my kids think are "dessert" - Bwhahahah Little do they know, Mom don't mess around like that!

So, I was wanting to make muffins the other day, and looked at what I had on hand. . .. . 
NOT MUCH! It was almost farmers market day, so I was pretty much OUT of fresh veggies for muffins! DO NOT FRET, I found some carrot juice in the fridge! So, with that I created this amazing recipe for what I am calling: 


Sounds amazing right!?!??!?! WELL, they are!!! My husband and kids have been begging for me to make more since I made the first batch!!  They are amazing plain, or with just a small touch of butter on them (when they are warm of course). 

Disclaimer: I normally buy the Organic Carrot juice, however, this must have been where my organic normally is, and I grabbed it without looking! I am not going to just waste food, so I used it up. Just know my suggestion, is the Organic one - It is normally what we have in the fridge! 

Now, for this recipe, I am SO PROUD. This is my first 100% from scratch, I completely made it up recipe! For real, I about cried when it turned out and they were AMAZING! I REALLY want you all to make these, and let me know what you think!! 

2 C Flour
2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp allspice
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1 Large Egg
1/4 C Coconut oil (melted)
1/4 C Applesauce
3/4 C Carrot Juice
1 tsp Vanilla

Preheat oven to 350

Combine Flour, Baking powder, salt, and allspice in a bowl. Mix well. In a separate bowl, combine brown sugar, egg, oil, applesauce, carrot juice, and vanilla. Mix well. Slowly add dry ingredients into the wet, stirring until just combined (do not over-stir).  Put into a muffin tin (with or without liners, whichever you do) and bake 20 min, or until done. 

Yield 12 standard size muffins! 

These are SO YUMMY!  Here is the photos of all of the steps! Don't forget to "Pin" this recipe, and share on your pages! I want to hear what you thought!!

These numbers are approximate, and dependent upon which exact products you use. ;)