Why you need to measure!

I asked in a post over on my Facebook page if people measured their oil when cooking. Overwhelmingly, the answer was NO! The only time people stated they measured was in baking!

I did an experiment, and actually free poured my oil into a measuring device without watching the amount, just what I would use for cooking whatever I was cooking - guess what happened?!? I poured almost twice as much as needed EVERY time! You might ask why this is important? 

Oils are fats. Just nutritionally speaking, 1 tblsp of oil has the same amount of fat as a snickers bar!!! (read on happyherbivore.com). Oils are not a natural occurring food. All oils are processed, they all need pressed/extracted etc.  Oils are simply empty calories, and can easily be over used! You REALLY should be measuring!

Watch this video about oils! It was very interesting!

I am not saying DON'T eat oils, I am saying be aware of how much you ARE eating, and choose good oils! My husband bought me this amazing oil pourer, with a measurer*! I now can measure and see how much oils I am using, easily! *Yes, I realize these are not real words, I made them up

This Oil Pourer is AMAZING! I love being able to measure, and see exactly what I am using. This also makes my tracking in my 21 Day Fix meal sheets easier, since it is measured in teaspoons. It comes fully apart, and has SUPER easy clean up! It is even Dishwasher Safe! If you don't have something like this at least pull out your measuring spoons and measure! Don't load up on un-necessary empty calories! Save them for that snickers bar or Smoreo treat instead! 

Want to get one for yourself? 

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