Chocolate Protein Power Balls - Recipe

Power balls? That isn't a really good name! I don't know what else to name them! Put your suggestion for a name in the comments!

Ok, so really . . . there are just some times when you want some yummy chocolate goodness, but don't totally want to blow your whole "clean eating" out of the water. Well. . . TA DA   .. .. I present to you the Chocolate Protein Power Balls!!

Ok, seriously - I was concerned with creating a power ball recipe. I LOVE my shakeology and DID NOT want to waste a few scoops if my recipe failed! Thank goodness, it turned out. As a matter of fact, they are pretty darn amazing! Smooth chocolate peanut butter gooey-yummy-ness!

Keep in mind, just because these are "healthy" and only have whole foods, doesn't mean you should eat a ton!! Whole foods have calories too! These are a "treat" and can be made and kept in the freezer for when you want a yummy treat!

I made these to take to church tonight for bible study. We are doing the Daniel Plan, and are working on making healthy eating changes etc. It was my night for snack, so . . . they get my awesome Chocolate Protein Power Balls!

Ready for the recipe???

1 Cup Peanut butter
1 Med Banana
1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
3/4 C Rolled Oats
1/2 C chopped almonds

Mash Banana. Mix Banana and Peanut butter. Add in Shakeology, mix well. Add in Rolled oats, mix up until well blended. Roll into balls, roll in almonds. Store in refrigerator for 3 hrs prior to eating (if you can resist eating them that long!)

THAT is it!!

I doubled the recipe and threw it in a "recipe calculator" to get an idea of how they stack up nutritionally - with it doubled, I came up with 37 "servings" - this is per serving.

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