Are you confused about what to eat??

Have you heard of Michi's Ladder?

If you are just learning to eat cleaner and are confused on what you should eat. ..  this neat thing called Michi's Ladder may help you to better plan. This is not a "diet" plan, rather it is a simple food guide. To lose weight, try switching out foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat from tiers 1 and 2, the more likely you are to lose weight.  There are some healthy foods in the lower tiers too, however they are either calorie dense or nutrient deficient.  To lose weight, you want to  get the most nutrients off the foods you are eating.

This is by NO means a complete solution, but it is a good start if you are new to this lifestyle of eating. Another thing I did when I started switching, was keeping a food journal. This may seem silly, but I promise, it really helps. It makes you see what you are really eating. You may think you eat good, and maybe you do; but you forget that handful of chips while fixing the kids lunch... or the sneaking a bite of cheese while cooking dinner. If you put it in your mouth - Write it down! One of my favorite things for doing this is the Diet Minder book -

Seriously, this is TOTALLY the best! It has all the important categories, breaks it all down by meal etc, and even has an area to log water (there will be a whole other blog on water). You don't have to use this one, but it is one that has worked for me, and it is nice looking to boot!

Making small changes to your diet can produce big results!! We all have choices of what we put in our body, make your choices count!! That doesn't mean you can't have chocolate cake, that just means 90% of the time, eat from tiers one and two!

Do you want to learn about a simple nutrition + portion control + workout program that works to deliver awesome results?  Head over to this about the 21 Day Fix.

If you want more information and help on how to eat clean and make the transition to a healthier lifestyle, please contact me:

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