Yummy Energy Balls - Recipe Included

I love making healthy little treats for my family. While many think we only eat carrots and celery for fun, we do enjoy treats. I just try to make them healthier treats! This recipe is one I made up years ago while living in Okinawa still. It was posted on my old blog, but since I still make this for the kids, and its such a great easy recipe, I thought I'd bring it over here to share with you all!! Seriously they are SO GOOD!

I wasn't sure what to name these (this is always a problem with "ball" type recipes) - So, I called them Yummy Energy Balls! These are easy to make, and the kids love them! Try them out and let me know what you think!!


2 Cups of dates, (Dried, chopped)

1/3 Cup Water

1/2 Tblsp Vanilla

1 Cup Chopped Almonds

2 Tblsp Cocoa Powder

1/2 Cup Coconut

Combine dates, and water in a saucepan on the stove. Cook over low heat, mashing and stirring frequently. Cook about 10 minutes until the dates are all mushy and soft. Once done, remove from heat.

Stir in Vanilla.

Pour date mixture into a bowl, add 1/2 Cup chopped almonds and cocoa powder. (If still too gooey, add more chopped Almonds) Stir well.

Put into refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Once cooled, use a small – med scoop to make balls. Roll them in shredded coconut or almonds and place on wax paper. Once done, return them to the fridge to “set” up (if you don’t eat them all before hand)

These are SOOO yummy!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as my family did!

Let me know what you think in the comments section below! Don't forget to "pin" it for later, and share with your friends! ;)

Ditch the package crap - EASY overnight oatmeal (recipe included)

I am guilty! I used to buy the packets of "instant oatmeal" for my kids out of sheer speed and ease! However, those are usually NOT very healthy or good for you! I am sure MANY of us are in a rush in the morning and need something quick and healthy for breakfast!

Well, since I am NOT a morning person, cooking old fashioned oats every morning gets old too! I do like to make my kids something warm for breakfast - or at least more than cereal! 

Behold the awesomeness of Overnight oats! Yes, you read that right! These are SO EASY, quick to prepare, and healthy (no icky added crap). I can prepare 4 bowls (enough for two days of oats for the kids) in just about 4 minutes! The plus side? My kids LOVE THEM!! I like them too, but for the kids this is just like instant oats, but healthier!

On to the recipe -

You will need:

Bowls to hold 1 cup with lids (I normally use jam jars, wide mouth, but I'm out of lids)
Old fashioned oats
Applesauce (homemade or organic is best)
Milk (I use almond normally)
Brown sugar (this sweetens well - I am sure you can use another sweetener of choice as well)

First set out all your bowls! Measure 1/4 of your oats, applesauce, and milk into each bowl! Add 1/2 tblsp brown sugar. Sprinkle cinnamon on top to taste. They will look similar to this -

Next, you want to stir them all up until well blended! 

Next, add the lid! Put them into the fridge for at least 8 hrs! These will last for three days in the fridge!

In the morning, simply take out and eat! Can be enjoyed cold, or heated up! These are easy to transport also! 

Try it out, make it tonight and let me know what you think in the comments! 

Do you need glass containers to try this out? Try these below - 

Shakeology is too expensive

One of the biggest objection's I hear about Shakeology is "it's to expensive"! Seriously, I think people expect to get it for Free. That is frustrating. However, I need to tell you about how you can't afford NOT to be drinking this.  I can't supply everyone with it for free, if I could I would. I made this video for you all yesterday - it really breaks down how you can't afford NOT to be drinking it!

Go watch it now - 

Are you confused about what to eat??

Have you heard of Michi's Ladder?

If you are just learning to eat cleaner and are confused on what you should eat. ..  this neat thing called Michi's Ladder may help you to better plan. This is not a "diet" plan, rather it is a simple food guide. To lose weight, try switching out foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat from tiers 1 and 2, the more likely you are to lose weight.  There are some healthy foods in the lower tiers too, however they are either calorie dense or nutrient deficient.  To lose weight, you want to  get the most nutrients off the foods you are eating.

This is by NO means a complete solution, but it is a good start if you are new to this lifestyle of eating. Another thing I did when I started switching, was keeping a food journal. This may seem silly, but I promise, it really helps. It makes you see what you are really eating. You may think you eat good, and maybe you do; but you forget that handful of chips while fixing the kids lunch... or the sneaking a bite of cheese while cooking dinner. If you put it in your mouth - Write it down! One of my favorite things for doing this is the Diet Minder book -

Seriously, this is TOTALLY the best! It has all the important categories, breaks it all down by meal etc, and even has an area to log water (there will be a whole other blog on water). You don't have to use this one, but it is one that has worked for me, and it is nice looking to boot!

Making small changes to your diet can produce big results!! We all have choices of what we put in our body, make your choices count!! That doesn't mean you can't have chocolate cake, that just means 90% of the time, eat from tiers one and two!

Do you want to learn about a simple nutrition + portion control + workout program that works to deliver awesome results?  Head over to this about the 21 Day Fix.

If you want more information and help on how to eat clean and make the transition to a healthier lifestyle, please contact me: annastasia@fitwithannastasia.com

Chocolate Protein Power Balls - Recipe

Power balls? That isn't a really good name! I don't know what else to name them! Put your suggestion for a name in the comments!

Ok, so really . . . there are just some times when you want some yummy chocolate goodness, but don't totally want to blow your whole "clean eating" out of the water. Well. . . TA DA   .. .. I present to you the Chocolate Protein Power Balls!!

Ok, seriously - I was concerned with creating a power ball recipe. I LOVE my shakeology and DID NOT want to waste a few scoops if my recipe failed! Thank goodness, it turned out. As a matter of fact, they are pretty darn amazing! Smooth chocolate peanut butter gooey-yummy-ness!

Keep in mind, just because these are "healthy" and only have whole foods, doesn't mean you should eat a ton!! Whole foods have calories too! These are a "treat" and can be made and kept in the freezer for when you want a yummy treat!

I made these to take to church tonight for bible study. We are doing the Daniel Plan, and are working on making healthy eating changes etc. It was my night for snack, so . . . they get my awesome Chocolate Protein Power Balls!

Ready for the recipe???

1 Cup Peanut butter
1 Med Banana
1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
3/4 C Rolled Oats
1/2 C chopped almonds

Mash Banana. Mix Banana and Peanut butter. Add in Shakeology, mix well. Add in Rolled oats, mix up until well blended. Roll into balls, roll in almonds. Store in refrigerator for 3 hrs prior to eating (if you can resist eating them that long!)

THAT is it!!

I doubled the recipe and threw it in a "recipe calculator" to get an idea of how they stack up nutritionally - with it doubled, I came up with 37 "servings" - this is per serving.

21 days to better habits

Did you know it takes 21 days to form a Habit?

21 days to change how you think about food. This system takes the guesswork out of it.

I have people tell me all the time, their number one issue with getting fit/losing weight is FOOD and learning what/how to eat. Well, this takes the guess work out, and makes eating fun and easy! Best part - It produces results!! All of this, and only 30 minute a day workouts! I have coached over 20 people through a similar program, they have all gotten amazing results, myself included. It doesn't matter where you are at, this program can help you!!

Portions are easy to understand, it comes with color coded containers - If it fits, you can eat it!!

This program is amazing, and starting TODAY is on sale for ONLY $140!! That is CRAZY talk - ALL of this for only $140 (the $140 includes the complete workout/portion container/meal planner AND Shakeology - Its like you are getting it for ONLY $10!!) ORDER HERE

I PROMISE I will be there with you every step of the way - If you are wanting a simple program, that delivers results - THIS IS IT!!

Go to this form below to get on my list, You will get all the above mentioned, and me as your coach through the whole thing (this includes the online support group) Don't wait - Go . . . NOW!
