Muffins are amazing!

Ok, so muffins aren't exactly healthy - but making them at home does make them a bunch more healthy!! Plus, my kids LOVE when I make muffins!! From scratch is ALWAYS better then those store bought!

Today was a lazy Saturday morning - so I decided to bake some muffins! They really didn't take too long, and were so yummy! I made banana crumble muffins - and they were made with all organic ingredients (<---- that means "healthy" right??) The recipe I originally found on all recipes, but made some changes for our family since we don't do any dairy. 

Whip these up on a lazy morning for your kids, they will think you are super awesome baker mom!! 

1.5 C flour
1 tsp each baking soda & baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 mashed bananas
3/4 C granulated sugar 
1 egg
1/3 C coconut oil

1/3 C brown sugar
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp coconut oil
Cinnamon to taste

Preheat to 375. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a bowl - set aside. Cream together bananas, sugar, egg, and coconut oil (soften with heat of necessary). Once well combined, add dry to wet - stir until just combined and moistened. Put into muffin cups it greased muffin tin. Bake 18-22 minutes. Cool on wire rack, and enjoy!

Do you follow me on Facebook yet? I post all kinds of recipes over there too! 

Fresh out of the oven Muffins!!

This recipe was adapted from a recipe at All Recipes:

Protein loaded oatmeal that is delicious!

I love oatmeal. I eat it often. Not that thin "instant" type.... But good old fashioned thick  oats! The kind you have to cook in a pot, on the stove (unless you do my overnight oats HERE). What I don't love... How I am hungry 1.5 hours after eating!

I have found that I need protein in the morning to keep me feeling full! This typically comes in the form of eggs. I also read that a high protein breakfast can help you lose weight - that is a plus!! I have come up with a way to enjoy my oatmeal, and still get my protein needs met with eggs!  Creamy egg white oatmeal!! 

I know what you are thinking... GROSS!! That is what I thought to before I tried it, but I promise it's amazing! So amazing, I even make it for my kids oatmeal with egg whites in it now and they have no clue!! 

Peaches are in season here in California, and since I eat produce according to the "in season" schedule - I have tons now! We went to the farmers market to load up, and came home with 6lbs of peaches! I made some yummy peach streusel for the husband. I still had tons left over, so I made peaches and cream egg white oatmeal for days! I'm sharing my recipe here with you! 

What you'll need: 
3/4  cup water
3/4 cup almond/coconut blend milk
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup organic egg whites 
Peaches cut up
Sweetener to taste (I used honey)
Cinnamon (optional)

Put milk + water in a saucepan, bring to just a boil. Add oats. Cook until 3/4 of the water is gone. Reduce heat, while constantly stirring, slowly add egg whites. Keep stirring. Cook an additional 3 minutes while stirring (or until remaining liquid is absorbed). Remove from heat. Stir in sweetener, cinnamon,  and fresh fruit! Enjoy!

Protein Loaded Oatmeal with Peaches

Why you need to measure!

I asked in a post over on my Facebook page if people measured their oil when cooking. Overwhelmingly, the answer was NO! The only time people stated they measured was in baking!

I did an experiment, and actually free poured my oil into a measuring device without watching the amount, just what I would use for cooking whatever I was cooking - guess what happened?!? I poured almost twice as much as needed EVERY time! You might ask why this is important? 

Oils are fats. Just nutritionally speaking, 1 tblsp of oil has the same amount of fat as a snickers bar!!! (read on Oils are not a natural occurring food. All oils are processed, they all need pressed/extracted etc.  Oils are simply empty calories, and can easily be over used! You REALLY should be measuring!

Watch this video about oils! It was very interesting!

I am not saying DON'T eat oils, I am saying be aware of how much you ARE eating, and choose good oils! My husband bought me this amazing oil pourer, with a measurer*! I now can measure and see how much oils I am using, easily! *Yes, I realize these are not real words, I made them up

This Oil Pourer is AMAZING! I love being able to measure, and see exactly what I am using. This also makes my tracking in my 21 Day Fix meal sheets easier, since it is measured in teaspoons. It comes fully apart, and has SUPER easy clean up! It is even Dishwasher Safe! If you don't have something like this at least pull out your measuring spoons and measure! Don't load up on un-necessary empty calories! Save them for that snickers bar or Smoreo treat instead! 

Want to get one for yourself? 

I am not always a food police!!

I am selective with what I feed my family. Many people think it's 100% organic, or that i just spend all day in the kitchen. Let me tell you ..... I'm not perfect.

I, just like most other mom's I know; try to do my best with what I have. So there are certain things I never eat (or try my hardest not to) unless they are organic. I don't let my kids eat HFCs (high fructose corn syrup), artificial sweeteners, or things that have ingredients I can't pronounce. I make our own granola, bread, jam and lots of other things from scratch at home. I am not able to do it 100% of the time. 

Many people simply think I'm a food snob, or that I think their food isn't good enough for my family and I. However, this all started with my now 8 year old having major gastrointestinal problems around age 2.5-3. She was medivacced to a larger hospital (Tripler, in Hawaii) for endoscopy/colonoscopy and a large array of other test.  They were concerned about everything from Celiacs to Cancer. Thankfully, all test were clear.... but we still had no answers. On the doctors orders, we had to eliminate everything from her diet (which is when we went while food vegan) and really watch what we gave her. Taking out everything, and slowly adding it in - we should be able to see what she is sensitive to. She still eats no dairy or soy, and the only eat she eats is fish. She gets sick easily from greasy or processed foods. My needing to learn about food, and how to help her feel the best she could was important to me. That is why I make food choices I do - like corn is ONLY organic, eggs only organic/vegetarian fed and preferably local/free range. This isn't from me being a food snob, but because if she eats eggs that were fed a high corn/soy diet - she gets sick! 95% of the feed given to commercial egg producing chickens is gmo's and not good stuff. If it makes my daughter sick, we don't buy it anymore. 

With all this being said, we are not deprived in the food department. We also don't mind bringing our own food many places with us. It's not that we don't think yours is good, we just don't want our daughter getting sick. Don't be afraid to invite us over for dinner, or a BBQ. I am used to adapting and bringing stuff. As long as you are not offended we bring some of our own, it is not hard at all! 

Now, there are some times - you have to bend the rules a little. S'mores! My 5 & 8 year old had NEVER HAD ONE!!! We were in Oregon at grandma and grandpa's, and they have a fire pit in backyard. We decided to bend the rules, and let them experience s'mores. (If you know of organic marshmallows, please let me know in comments below)  we picked out organic, dark chocolate, graham crackers, and regular marshmallows with corn syrup (eek!).

We didn't let them eat too much, but they loved it!! Eating this "bad" food once Ina VERY but moon won't kill them! 

My words of wisdom to you - do your best. Make the choices that are best for your family. Do what you can. Bend the rules on occasion. You are an awesome mom/dad. Be a food police if you have to, but bend the rules very rarely, the fun on their faces was worth it (and no one got sick from the one marshmallow!)

Don't their faces just say it all!!

Do you have problems with people understanding your families food issues? Comment below how you deal with it. 

Fitness Friday Move of the week - Try it yourself!!


They are SUCH a Sexy muscle to show off .... ESPECIALLY with summer and short sleeves and tank tops coming!!

What's a Tricep? 

Aside from Triceps, most exercises that work this muscle - also use many others in the shoulders, chest, back, and arms! So it's like a Super Whammy of a workout! ;)

So, I challenge you to do 3 sets of 10 every other day for the next week! If that is too much, or too little adjust for your fitness level! 

The move you will be doing? 

Tricep Dips  

Be sure that you follow these guidelines 

* Place hands on each side of your hips - facing forward

* Keep your legs bent like I show in the video for beginners - when that gets too easy, simply move your feet farther out, keeping them slightly bent, and keep your form - Need even harder? Simply fully extend your legs out in front! 

* Lower your body down

* Keep arms parallel with the ground

* Squeeze your triceps at the top

* Keep your core tight

* Bend at the elbows when dipping down

Here is me, showing you how I do mine! 

The material provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field!

I went on a FREE Cruise!! Say what?!?!?!?!?!?

I am writing this from the middle of the Caribbean. We are about to drop anchor and boat taxi into George Town Grand Cayman! I am aboard the S.S. Beachbody, on a trip I earned!!

This is truly mind blowing to me! Like, seriously!! What company charters one no the largest cruise ships, in the best fleet for their people!?! Beachbody does, Carl Daikeler does - that's who!! They chartered this entire Liberty of the Seas ship with the Royal Caribbean, the WHOLE thing!! 

To be around 3200 fellow coaches, all who earned this trip is mind blowing!! We are all working together to end the trend of obesity.

The food, service, ports, excursions - EVERYTHING is above and beyond!! This company really knows how to pamper people!! I hope that next year, I have many of you on the trip with me!! Next year, is Cancun!! Woo Hoo!!

Mayan Temple - Cozumel
Jungle Buggy Adventure - Cozumel
Salsa Making in Cozumel

Drinking a coconut in Grand Cayman
YES, that is a Stingray - IN THE WILD!!

DO YOU want to learn how you can go on next years trip with me for FREE!?!??!

Clean Eating Guru

WOW! Today is a great day!! Not ONLY is it my Birthday. . . . But The launch of a great project I've been working on!!! I am always asked about FOOD.

Food seems to be the most confusing thing to most people - if it is labeled "healthy" then most think it is. Using of words like "natural" "healthy" "reduced" among others leads people to believe the deception that they ARE in fact healthy!

So, I have been putting together this program JUST for you, All of my followers! Get signed up today.

You will learn SO much about food, and what to eat/choose!! Be sure to share with your friends to get signed up as well.  Just to get you started on learning, here is a cute little Grocery Star Wars Video I found - 

Thank you friends for making the first steps to get on the path to Clean Eating!!

Introducing the newest program - PiYo!!

Get an ultra lean and intensely defined physique 

without bulking up or straining your joints.

Introducing Piyo. A high intensity, low impact workout for a new kind of strong. 

Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you're burning crazy calories.

How? You'll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results!!

The result? Problem areas become no problem!

Want to get on the list for when this is available? If so CLICK HERE.

Mondays are for MUFFINS!!!

Muffins ..... are just ugly cupcakes, Right!??!!? WRONG!! Muffins are AMAZING! The things you can put into muffins are mind blowing, like seriously! I don't know how many vegetables I've hidden into muffins my kids think are "dessert" - Bwhahahah Little do they know, Mom don't mess around like that!

So, I was wanting to make muffins the other day, and looked at what I had on hand. . .. . 
NOT MUCH! It was almost farmers market day, so I was pretty much OUT of fresh veggies for muffins! DO NOT FRET, I found some carrot juice in the fridge! So, with that I created this amazing recipe for what I am calling: 


Sounds amazing right!?!??!?! WELL, they are!!! My husband and kids have been begging for me to make more since I made the first batch!!  They are amazing plain, or with just a small touch of butter on them (when they are warm of course). 

Disclaimer: I normally buy the Organic Carrot juice, however, this must have been where my organic normally is, and I grabbed it without looking! I am not going to just waste food, so I used it up. Just know my suggestion, is the Organic one - It is normally what we have in the fridge! 

Now, for this recipe, I am SO PROUD. This is my first 100% from scratch, I completely made it up recipe! For real, I about cried when it turned out and they were AMAZING! I REALLY want you all to make these, and let me know what you think!! 

2 C Flour
2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp allspice
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1 Large Egg
1/4 C Coconut oil (melted)
1/4 C Applesauce
3/4 C Carrot Juice
1 tsp Vanilla

Preheat oven to 350

Combine Flour, Baking powder, salt, and allspice in a bowl. Mix well. In a separate bowl, combine brown sugar, egg, oil, applesauce, carrot juice, and vanilla. Mix well. Slowly add dry ingredients into the wet, stirring until just combined (do not over-stir).  Put into a muffin tin (with or without liners, whichever you do) and bake 20 min, or until done. 

Yield 12 standard size muffins! 

These are SO YUMMY!  Here is the photos of all of the steps! Don't forget to "Pin" this recipe, and share on your pages! I want to hear what you thought!!

These numbers are approximate, and dependent upon which exact products you use. ;) 

Yummy Energy Balls - Recipe Included

I love making healthy little treats for my family. While many think we only eat carrots and celery for fun, we do enjoy treats. I just try to make them healthier treats! This recipe is one I made up years ago while living in Okinawa still. It was posted on my old blog, but since I still make this for the kids, and its such a great easy recipe, I thought I'd bring it over here to share with you all!! Seriously they are SO GOOD!

I wasn't sure what to name these (this is always a problem with "ball" type recipes) - So, I called them Yummy Energy Balls! These are easy to make, and the kids love them! Try them out and let me know what you think!!


2 Cups of dates, (Dried, chopped)

1/3 Cup Water

1/2 Tblsp Vanilla

1 Cup Chopped Almonds

2 Tblsp Cocoa Powder

1/2 Cup Coconut

Combine dates, and water in a saucepan on the stove. Cook over low heat, mashing and stirring frequently. Cook about 10 minutes until the dates are all mushy and soft. Once done, remove from heat.

Stir in Vanilla.

Pour date mixture into a bowl, add 1/2 Cup chopped almonds and cocoa powder. (If still too gooey, add more chopped Almonds) Stir well.

Put into refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Once cooled, use a small – med scoop to make balls. Roll them in shredded coconut or almonds and place on wax paper. Once done, return them to the fridge to “set” up (if you don’t eat them all before hand)

These are SOOO yummy!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as my family did!

Let me know what you think in the comments section below! Don't forget to "pin" it for later, and share with your friends! ;)

Ditch the package crap - EASY overnight oatmeal (recipe included)

I am guilty! I used to buy the packets of "instant oatmeal" for my kids out of sheer speed and ease! However, those are usually NOT very healthy or good for you! I am sure MANY of us are in a rush in the morning and need something quick and healthy for breakfast!

Well, since I am NOT a morning person, cooking old fashioned oats every morning gets old too! I do like to make my kids something warm for breakfast - or at least more than cereal! 

Behold the awesomeness of Overnight oats! Yes, you read that right! These are SO EASY, quick to prepare, and healthy (no icky added crap). I can prepare 4 bowls (enough for two days of oats for the kids) in just about 4 minutes! The plus side? My kids LOVE THEM!! I like them too, but for the kids this is just like instant oats, but healthier!

On to the recipe -

You will need:

Bowls to hold 1 cup with lids (I normally use jam jars, wide mouth, but I'm out of lids)
Old fashioned oats
Applesauce (homemade or organic is best)
Milk (I use almond normally)
Brown sugar (this sweetens well - I am sure you can use another sweetener of choice as well)

First set out all your bowls! Measure 1/4 of your oats, applesauce, and milk into each bowl! Add 1/2 tblsp brown sugar. Sprinkle cinnamon on top to taste. They will look similar to this -

Next, you want to stir them all up until well blended! 

Next, add the lid! Put them into the fridge for at least 8 hrs! These will last for three days in the fridge!

In the morning, simply take out and eat! Can be enjoyed cold, or heated up! These are easy to transport also! 

Try it out, make it tonight and let me know what you think in the comments! 

Do you need glass containers to try this out? Try these below - 

Shakeology is too expensive

One of the biggest objection's I hear about Shakeology is "it's to expensive"! Seriously, I think people expect to get it for Free. That is frustrating. However, I need to tell you about how you can't afford NOT to be drinking this.  I can't supply everyone with it for free, if I could I would. I made this video for you all yesterday - it really breaks down how you can't afford NOT to be drinking it!

Go watch it now - 

Are you confused about what to eat??

Have you heard of Michi's Ladder?

If you are just learning to eat cleaner and are confused on what you should eat. ..  this neat thing called Michi's Ladder may help you to better plan. This is not a "diet" plan, rather it is a simple food guide. To lose weight, try switching out foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat from tiers 1 and 2, the more likely you are to lose weight.  There are some healthy foods in the lower tiers too, however they are either calorie dense or nutrient deficient.  To lose weight, you want to  get the most nutrients off the foods you are eating.

This is by NO means a complete solution, but it is a good start if you are new to this lifestyle of eating. Another thing I did when I started switching, was keeping a food journal. This may seem silly, but I promise, it really helps. It makes you see what you are really eating. You may think you eat good, and maybe you do; but you forget that handful of chips while fixing the kids lunch... or the sneaking a bite of cheese while cooking dinner. If you put it in your mouth - Write it down! One of my favorite things for doing this is the Diet Minder book -

Seriously, this is TOTALLY the best! It has all the important categories, breaks it all down by meal etc, and even has an area to log water (there will be a whole other blog on water). You don't have to use this one, but it is one that has worked for me, and it is nice looking to boot!

Making small changes to your diet can produce big results!! We all have choices of what we put in our body, make your choices count!! That doesn't mean you can't have chocolate cake, that just means 90% of the time, eat from tiers one and two!

Do you want to learn about a simple nutrition + portion control + workout program that works to deliver awesome results?  Head over to this about the 21 Day Fix.

If you want more information and help on how to eat clean and make the transition to a healthier lifestyle, please contact me:

Chocolate Protein Power Balls - Recipe

Power balls? That isn't a really good name! I don't know what else to name them! Put your suggestion for a name in the comments!

Ok, so really . . . there are just some times when you want some yummy chocolate goodness, but don't totally want to blow your whole "clean eating" out of the water. Well. . . TA DA   .. .. I present to you the Chocolate Protein Power Balls!!

Ok, seriously - I was concerned with creating a power ball recipe. I LOVE my shakeology and DID NOT want to waste a few scoops if my recipe failed! Thank goodness, it turned out. As a matter of fact, they are pretty darn amazing! Smooth chocolate peanut butter gooey-yummy-ness!

Keep in mind, just because these are "healthy" and only have whole foods, doesn't mean you should eat a ton!! Whole foods have calories too! These are a "treat" and can be made and kept in the freezer for when you want a yummy treat!

I made these to take to church tonight for bible study. We are doing the Daniel Plan, and are working on making healthy eating changes etc. It was my night for snack, so . . . they get my awesome Chocolate Protein Power Balls!

Ready for the recipe???

1 Cup Peanut butter
1 Med Banana
1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
3/4 C Rolled Oats
1/2 C chopped almonds

Mash Banana. Mix Banana and Peanut butter. Add in Shakeology, mix well. Add in Rolled oats, mix up until well blended. Roll into balls, roll in almonds. Store in refrigerator for 3 hrs prior to eating (if you can resist eating them that long!)

THAT is it!!

I doubled the recipe and threw it in a "recipe calculator" to get an idea of how they stack up nutritionally - with it doubled, I came up with 37 "servings" - this is per serving.

21 days to better habits

Did you know it takes 21 days to form a Habit?

21 days to change how you think about food. This system takes the guesswork out of it.

I have people tell me all the time, their number one issue with getting fit/losing weight is FOOD and learning what/how to eat. Well, this takes the guess work out, and makes eating fun and easy! Best part - It produces results!! All of this, and only 30 minute a day workouts! I have coached over 20 people through a similar program, they have all gotten amazing results, myself included. It doesn't matter where you are at, this program can help you!!

Portions are easy to understand, it comes with color coded containers - If it fits, you can eat it!!

This program is amazing, and starting TODAY is on sale for ONLY $140!! That is CRAZY talk - ALL of this for only $140 (the $140 includes the complete workout/portion container/meal planner AND Shakeology - Its like you are getting it for ONLY $10!!) ORDER HERE

I PROMISE I will be there with you every step of the way - If you are wanting a simple program, that delivers results - THIS IS IT!!

Go to this form below to get on my list, You will get all the above mentioned, and me as your coach through the whole thing (this includes the online support group) Don't wait - Go . . . NOW!

Motivation: The Desire To Do Things


Motivation is literally the desire to do things. I can honestly tell you, when I started with my journey in health & fitness, I did NOT have the desire to do it. I thought it would be nice if I did it, but I didn't REALLY want to put forth the effort. That is why I started and stopped SO many times before seeing results. (See my whole story HERE)

I had to come to the point of WANTING to do it For me. When I decided that I WAS worth it, and that I believed in myself - THAT is when I did it!!

Was it easy?? NO WAY! There were days that I can remember being almost in tears because I wanted oreo's or chocolate hostess cupcakes (yes, I ate that icky stuff)!! I am an emotional eater - of junk-food! Usually, something sugary. So breaking that habit was HARD, Shakeology helped with my cravings, and getting my "chocolate fix" in - but some days it was still hard. The important thing . . I didn't give up!

This complete process until now (the upper Right Corner photo) took 15 months. I still struggle with emotional or bored eating. However, I now know that I have control over what I eat, and I make wiser choices. One of the best things I did was deciding to take control of my health and fitness. The choices are all easier now, and yes - I still eat cake (in moderation, on occasion). 

If you are struggling with getting started on your health & Fitness Journey, or you are afraid of failing - Don't be. We learn from past experiences/mistakes. Knowing what didn't work last time, helps us to not repeat it again.